Icons and Meaning
by Andrew Spink
This was the start of the ideation process.  It started with brainstorming with wordplay within four different Categories.  Among those categories were Achievements, Hobbies/Lifestyle, Culture, and Family.  I broke those initial four words down to create sketches. The trick was utilizing the sketches to possibly combine and create a story from them. 

Below is the combination of sketches that I fused together to create a deeper illustration. 
These sketches carried the meaning I had hoped but overall may have been a bit over complex for anyone to understand outside of myself.  The idea now was to create the Vector images within illustrator with.  I wanted to refine the images to allow for more simplicity within the symbolism. Below is my first draft of icons within Adobe Illustrator. 
The initial design in Illustrator came out well.  I was able to pick a color palette that I felt was suitable for the four different icons.  However, with careful consideration and outside critique, I ended up with more revisions which allowed for a more simplified color palette.  Along with an additional backdrops for each icon within it's border, I felt this allowed each icon to pop.  

Below we have our final product. 

Icons Project

Icons Project
